Thursday, March 21, 2013

Back in Montana!

We experienced a miracle yesterday...the train was early! We were aboard our train to depart Seattle around 4:30pm I guess. We were there early and were able to be one of the first to load our car. After we found our spots, more people trickled on. And after a short wait, we were off!

My heart is definitely not all with me today, I'd say I left a large piece of it in Seattle. I just kept thinking about all the people we served and change that is happening in the city. God is there and people are being reached. But I still can't wait to go back.

After slowly watching the city fade behind me, I put my music on and had some quality quiet time with God. Our train ride was going to be a long one so I got settled in and fell asleep.

I must have been tired because I was knocked out! I did pop two Dramamine but I think I was physically and emotionally exhausted. I was just as surprised as everyone else when I didn't wake up until 7 am. That was probably a solid 13 HOURS of sleep!

Chris, Ethan, and I went to the dining car for breakfast and let me say was expensive! I don't plan on eating there again, but at least I can say I've eaten train food. Funny moment though: Ethan ordered grits with his eggs. I don't know what he thought they were...but his reaction was pretty funny.

We were arrived in Cut Bank around 11am. The station is unmanned, meaning no one works there. So, this only person there was our ride. Jason brought us over to the church for lunch.

After lunch we were put to work sanding and priming the walls. The church is in the process of redoing their kitchen and after today, they are a little closer to a new kitchen!

Chris and Holly were in their element when they were given a special assignment: to demolish a bathtub. It was a lot harder than it sounds. The church just bought the house next door and its old, so was the tub...they just don't make tubs that way anymore! It's cool, they bought the house because they are in a constant battle of losing their youth center that is a few blocks away, so essentially they purchased this house (which is directly across from the high school) for if/when that time comes. But for now they plan on renting it out...until they are able to hire a youth pastor and they need a place to live :)

Needless to say it didn't take long for us to finish up! We then found out that tonight we are again stating with host families--the boys with one family and the girls with another.

Oh fer cuteness! The family we are with have three children and we feel so at home here in Cut Bank.

Their youngest son is such a funny boy, he is the jokester of the bunch. Today his older sister wasn't be the nicest and he got pretty worked up. He spoke pretty fast and said, "she ruined my life!" After having a little chat with his dad, he pulled up the. Bible app on his dads phone and showed it to his sister saying, "see, it says in the Bible that you have to be nice to people!" I almost melted. It was the cutest thing ever.

After having some time to shower, relax, and chat, we were all refreshed and ready for dinner. Tonight we headed over to Jason's house for pizza and pool! Some of the local youth joined us too. It was a great time!

I'm not really sure 13 hours of sleep was a good as it sounds because by 10pm I was wiped!

But there was still more fun to be tipping! Yeah, I wasn't too thrilled being that I was ready for bed, but I went along with the group for the fun. Quote of the night came from one of the local boys, "is the moon supposed to be green? it's changing colors man!" I have to admit though, it was pretty funny to watch :)

But, there comes a time when one must crash and that time is now. So, I must bid you all farewell till tomorrow :)


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