Wednesday, March 20, 2013

waiting to head out #sadface

We just finished serving at Bread of Life and have now split up into two groups (with Chris and I each leading one and Ethan accompanying my group).  Our train is scheduled to leave at 4:40 and at this moment in time is actually on time...#saywhat?  The Bread of Life building is actually just a few blocks away from the station so for our mini-group adventures we made a few conditions:

  1. Don't travel more than 5 blocks (or so away)
  2. You are responsible for your own luggage
  3. Meet back together at our parting point at 3:45
My group (Cassady, Ethan, and Megan) are currently sitting at Cafe Umbra (I think?)  I was planning on getting coffee, but decided to get some cappuccino gelato, yummy!  It is actually pretty warm out side, a nice 46 degrees and sunny (haha!).  We are having a hard time hiding our tourist status because:
  1. We are each lugging around a huge duffle and backpack
  2. Our bags match...#tacky
  3. None of us are wearing jackets
Most people around us are wearing big jackets...which I guess makes sense because the rain keeps coming and going in a sprinkling manner.  But what would Seattle be without a little rain?

I guess you are all probably wondering about our service at Bread of Life?

Well, it was awesome.  We got there early this morning after a long[er than I thought] jaunt on a public transit bus.  Luckily we had a nice guy (whose name I don't know) help us get to the right spot.  Don't worry, we knew him...his wife was one of our contacts at the church we stayed at :)  But once there we got to work cleaning up the thin, foam beds that they lay out in the dining room a night, cleaning chairs, and setting up for lunch.  We were served the same lunch that was being served, rice and beans, salad, and ham.  It was pretty good!  It was also nice to know that what we were serving was actually the guests (as they are properly called as apposed to 'homeless') was good.

We were so good and fast and awesome this morning that we were able to make a quick Starbucks run :)

Lunch service began at 12:15pm.  We each grabbed trays of food, two at a time, and walked them from the kitchen to the dining room to personally serve each guest.  Some of the guests were very reserved and quiet while others were curious about us.  It was definitely an experience that I will never forget.  Knowing that every person we served today is without a place to call home, a place to rest, a place to call their own, breaks my heart.  But the mission of Bread of Life gives me hope that this city is changing.

We got to meet Bernard, a graduate of their program.  It is a free program that is open to any man interested (I'm not sure if they help women too or now, I forgot to ask).  The program is Christ-based and helps men, like Bernard, get back on track.  I'm sure their website: had more information if you are interested.

Bernard shared his story with us in the time that we had before we served.

Wow.  God is good!  He is a graduate of the program and is currently employed by Bread of Life as a front desk worker.  I'm not sure on the pay, but he does live in the building in the housing that they provide.  In four months his employment will terminate and he will then get another job, but will still live there until he is able to get his own apartment.  I don't know what it is, but this mission just makes my heart so happy.  There were a number of other men that worked there and that were in the program.  Jeffery, who is a member, helped with the meal today and will graduate on May 15th this year.  The joy that he had about his new life and faith literally breaks my a good way.

I could honestly go on and on about Bread of Life and my time there.  But, I'm kind of in a rush because we have to get back together as a group to head out to the train station.  So for now, this will have to do!  I may/might post again from the train, but we'll have to see!

Thanks for checking in!  Remember, I am on Instagram too!


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